

Life bears numerous paths.
Which one we choose to take is perhaps by fate.

Sometimes the path we wish to take is blocked from us.
Sometimes the path we ought to take seems ludicrous to us.

Other times we wonder if we have taken the right path,
and we regret choosing the path we are on now.

But what does it matter?
Since the path, like life, goes on
until we can no longer endure it,
or till we are yet at another crossroad.

Or maybe, just maybe, if we walk far enough, we might see the light at the end of the tunnel.

14th Oct 2013


Hole in the heart

There's an emptiness inside me.
A void in my heart that can't be filled.
I am hollow. Yet it feels like lead has been poured into my body.

They say you won't die from a hole in the heart; but
How am I living if I am merely the shell of my being?

By Lena Y